LISTEN NOW - Gates - "The Sun Will Rise And Lead Me Home"

There are very few instances when a band hits me on the first listen. Years of people saying a band sounds like X or they invoke the feelings of Y end up in disappointment. Each time the anticipation of hoping to remember what it was like to hear Jimmy Eat World or Mineral for the first time and that feeling of discovery is repeatedly let down time and time again. Thanks to Gates, that feeling is finally held true and I ended up listening to their EP "The Sun Will Rise And Lead Me Home" the entire day.

Equal parts Explosions in the Sky, Jimmy Eat World (really) and a taste of Mogwai give this band the power to expand on their epic sound. They put in a hook when you want it, they have a lyric line you can sing in your head and through all of this it feels real. This is for the thinker, the dreamer and the old core kids. Bravo Gates, bravo. A truly breathtaking EP.

Released this week, January 25th to be exact, Gates are being generous and giving away this EP on their site for free!
How can you not be a fan?